2010年4月2日 星期五

jetty 7 with eclipse

1. Download eclipse J2EE version.
2, Download jetty 7.
3. Create a dynamic web project .
3.1 New target machine.
3.2 Download additional server adapters.
3.3 Choose Jetty generic server adapter.
4. Edit plugin.xml of jetty in eclipse plugin directory. Replace mortbay with eclipse.
5. Edit jetty.serverdef in servers in eclipse jetty plugjn directory. Change Start.Main with jetty 7 version (org.eclipse.jetty.start.Main)
6. Edit template.xml in buildfiles in eclipse jetty plugjn directory. Replace mortbay with eclipse.
7. Edit build.xml in buildfiles in eclipse jetty plugjn directory. Replace mortbay with eclipse. Commet all <Set> of org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.

ps. I test with Jetty 7, non-hightide version.
