2014年7月18日 星期五

Play Framework Step by Step

Play Framework Step by Step


Downoad Typesafe Activator Package

Although we can use SBT to build play framework project, I suggest use Activator. Activator can generate a new project, build, run and deploy it with SBT.

  • visit playframework and download the last version.

    Attention: The Play2 plugin for Scala 2.11 on eclipse is NOT ready now(2014/07/19)

  • unzip it and set path

      # TypeSafe
      export ACTIVATOR_HOME="/usr/local/activator"

Generate New Project

I develop with Scala 2.11, so I demo steps for scala.

Attention: You MUST have scala 2.11 plugins for eclipse or Scala-IDE

  • generate new project

    Move to your workspace and execute activator new your-project-name play-scala

  • convert to eclipse project format

    Move to your project folder and exec activator eclipse

  • import to eclipse

    Eclipse -> [File] -> [Import...] -> [General] -> [Existing Projects into Workspace]


We have to add target/scala-2.11/twirl/main to source path because play2 plugins is not ready for scala 2.11. Play framework put templates (ex: main.scala.html) in app/views and convert to scala source in target/scala-2.11/twirl/main. We have to DIY when add template or change apply parameters. But you do not refresh project if you edit content in templates.

Add twirl to source path

Add target/scala-2.11/twirl/main to source path

Right click on your project -> [Properties] -> [Java Build Path] -> [Source] -> [Add Folder...] -> choose [target/scala-2.11/twirl/main] -> [OK]

DIY when add template or change apply(i.e. @(xx:xx) in template first line) parameters

  • open terminal and move to your project path
  • exec activator compile to compile project
  • back to eclipse and refresh project (Right click project -> [Refresh])

Attention: you may have ERROR if you do not compile and refresh manually

Run project when developing

Play framework auto-refresh codes, so we can see the result immediately.

  • exec activator run
  • browse http://localhost:9000 (the default port is 9000)

My Environment

  • OSX 10.9.4
  • Java 7
  • Scala 2.11

Environment Variables

export SCALA_HOME=/usr/local/scala

# TypeSafe
export ACTIVATOR_HOME="/usr/local/activator"
