2014年7月28日 星期一

Use PhantomJS to Get Images without GhostDriver

Use PhantomJS to Get Images without GhostDriver


I want to get image size from web page, especially from ajax web page. I use PhantomJS and GhostDriver. But the solution is slow because my scala program communicate PhantomJS via GhostDriver's micro-server. One image costs about 50 milli-seconds. I change to call PhantomJS directly and get results from it.

Use Scala Process

Use Scala's Process is very simple. You just import scala.sys.process._ and run a process with String_Cmd !. You can refer the scala document.

Use PhantomJS to Get Image Size

I write a javascript run by PhantomJS. I output the src, width, and height of images to console. The last line is result page source code. I also assign the exit code(ex: phantom.exit(1)). It is used in scala later.

var system = require('system');

if (system.args.length < 2) {
    console.log('phanthom crawl.js url');

var url           = system.args[1]; 
var page          = require('webpage').create();
page.viewportSize = { width: 1280, height : 2400 };

/*console.log("url: " + url);*/

page.open(url, function (status) {
    if (status !== "success") {
        /*console.log('Unable to load url');*/
    } else {
        var results = page.evaluate(function() {
             var list = document.images, images = [], i;
             for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                var width = list[i].width, height = list[i].height;
                if (width == height && width >= 128)
                    images.push({src: list[i].src, width: list[i].width, height: list[i].height});
             return images;

        for (k = 0; k < results.length; k++) {
            console.log(results[k].width +"," + results[k].height + "," + results[k].src);


You can save the sample code as crawl.js.

Scala call PhantomJS Process and Get Results

I can use ProcessLogger to get output of proces on console.

trait CrawlResponse

case class CrawlResult(product: Product) extends CrawlResponse

case class CrawlError(url: String, exitCode: Int) extends CrawlResponse

val result = new scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder
  val error = new scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder
  val log = ProcessLogger(line => result.append(line + "\n"), line => error.append(line + "\n"))

  def crawl(url: String): CrawlResponse = {
    val exitCode = (cmd + url) ! log

    if (exitCode == 0) {
    else {
      CrawlError(url, exitCode)

The cmd is phantomjs_path/bin/phantomjs your_path/crawl.js. (reserve a space after crawl.js). We run PhantomJS process with val exitCode = (cmd + url) ! log and get the exit code to verify if process is success. We can get the result strings with ProcessLogger.
