2014年8月8日 星期五

Swift Language Guide - Methods

Swift Language Guide - Methods

Instance Methods

Instance Methods are functions in Class(class), Structure(struct) and Enumerations(enum).

  • The first parameter in method is a local parameter name by default.
  • The Second and Subsequence parameters are local and External names by default.
  • Use _ before parameter to disable External name
  • self is like this in Java

      class Point : Printable {
          var x = 0, y = 0
          init(x: Int, y: Int) {
              self.x = x
              self.y = y
          var description : String {
              return "(\(x), \(y))"
          func moveToX(x: Int, andY: Int) {   <-- andY is an external name
              self.x = x
              self.y = andY
          func moveTo(x: Int, _ y: Int) { <-- use _ to disable external name
              self.x = x
              self.y = y
      let point = Point(x: 10, y: 20)
      point.moveToX(30, andY: 40)     <-- invoke with external name
      point.moveTo(50, 60)

Instance Methods in Structure and Enumerations

Structure(struct) and Enumerations(enum) are Value Type.

  • Functions MUST have mutating when modifying properties.
  • Can NOT invoking a mutating function of a Constant structure or enumerations.

      struct Point : Printable {
          var x: Double = 0.0, y: Double = 0.0
          var description : String {
              return "(\(x), \(y))"
          func getX() -> Double {
              return self.x
          func getY() -> Double {
              return self.y
          mutating func moveTo(x: Double, andY y: Double) {   <-- Change x and y property, so MUST have mutating.
              self.x = x
              self.y = y
          func distance(that: Point) -> Double {
              let dx = (self.x - that.x)
              let dy = (self.y - that.y)
              return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
      var point1 = Point(x: 10, y: 10)
      var point2 = Point(x: 20, y: 20)
      println("point1 = \(point1)")
      println("point2 = \(point2)")
      point1.moveTo(10, andY: 20)
      println("point1 = \(point1)")
      println("point1.X = \(point1.x)")
      println("point1.Y = \(point1.y)")
      println("Distance between point1 and point2 is \(point1.distance(point2))")
      let origin = Point(x: 0.0, y: 0.0)      <-- Constant structure
      println("origin = \(origin)")
      println("Distance between point and origin is \(origin.distance(point1))")
      origin.moveTo(30, andY: 40)     <-- Error. Can NOT invoke a mutating function of Constant structure.
