Swift Language Guide - Subscripts
Swift subscripts is like magic methods __get($name)
and __set($name, $value)
in PHP.
- Subscripts may have MANY
- use
like Array or Dictionary
enum Axis : Int {
case X = 0, Y, Z
struct Point : Printable {
var location = [Double](count: 3, repeatedValue: 0.0)
var description : String {
return "(\(location[0]), \(location[1]), \(location[2]))"
subscript(axis: Axis) -> Double {
get {
return location[axis.toRaw()]
set {
location[axis.toRaw()] = newValue
subscript(x: Axis, y: Axis) -> (Double, Double) {
get {
return (location[x.toRaw()], location[y.toRaw()])
set {
location[x.toRaw()] = newValue.0
location[y.toRaw()] = newValue.1
init() { }
init(x: Double, y: Double, z: Double) {
location[0] = x
location[1] = y
location[2] = z
var point = Point(x: 1.0, y: 2.0, z: 3.0)
println("point = \(point)")
println("point[x] = \(point[.X])")
point[.Y] = 5.5
println("point[y] = \(point[.Y])")
println("point = \(point)")
var (x, y) = point[.X, .Y]
println("(\(x), \(y))")
point[.Y, .Z] = (x + 20.0, y - 10.0)
println("point = \(point)")